Volunteer Heroes – supporting rescue heroes in the community

We are proud to work with recue professionals all over the world, but through this connection, we are aware that many rescue teams work on a voluntary basis with limited funding for vital equipment.

As part of a Social Commitment policy, we have launched a project which is intended to support volunteer rescue groups both in the UK and world-wide.

Volunteer Heroes will provide financial support (up to the value of £5,000) to successful applicants. There is £5,000 available for UK teams and £5,000 available to International teams and this fund may be awarded to one organisation, or in smaller denominations to several worthy causes.

There’s no catch – Teams simply complete an application form telling us how much they would like to apply for, and why they should be awarded the money and we will select the recipients in the first week of January 2018.

Deadline for applying for the fund is 31st December 2017 so don’t delay!

UK Teams – Apply here: https://www.ruthlee.com/ethical/national-commitments

International Teams – Apply here: https://www.ruthlee.com/ethical/international-social-programmes

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