Ruth Lee Ltd are leading manufacturers of rescue training manikins. We currently supply 100% of the UK’s Fire and Rescue Services, and have many customers in the other emergency services including Police and Ambulance.
We also supply to the military and can provide NATO Stock numbers for many of our products. All the UK’s international airports use our products, along with several aviation training centres; we also supply many chemical and oil companies as well as offshore drilling facilities. Our range of dummies is extensive, and includes manikins which are tailor made for particular training. We have worked in consultation with many customers to make sure we have the best possible training manikins on the market, including the Royal Navy and RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) for our water rescue range, with health and safety experts in other industries to create specialist manikins for working at height, and with health care and care home professionals to create the best patient handling manikins. We now export over 60% of our production overseas, with the USA, Australia and Germany being our biggest international markets. For more information, visit our Stockists page.